
Featured Works

Dell EMC

Summay: Dell EMC is an enterprise storage company. They wanted a customized web portal where their sales representatives could log in and see their earnings and rewards in one place. The portal needed to match the branding and look of the Dell EMC Partner Rewards Program. Since the team at Dell was revamping the branding at the same time, a lot of coordination was involved with project managers, engineering teams, design teams, and stakeholders.

Role: Solo designer

Skills/Knowledge: UI Design Axure Mockups Prototyping Desktop & Mobile HTML/CSS Presenting Web App Web Portal

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Summary: PocketSuite is a mobile iOS app that helps freelancers manage client appointments, payments and contacts, all in one app.

PocketSuite's cofounder came to us when the app was brand new and gaining traction. Users seemed to love this app. However there was a high amount of drop-offs during the on-boarding process.

Role: Collaborated with another UX/UI Designer in a team of two.

Skills/Knowledge: UX Design iOS User Research Surveys Competitive Analysis Mockups Rapid Prototyping Reiterating Presenting Usability Testing inVision Axure

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Email: anita@anitaleungux.com
Phone: (650) 382-3123