
Summary: PocketSuite is a mobile iOS app that helps freelancers manage client appointments, payments and contacts, all in one app.

PocketSuite's cofounder came to us when the app was brand new and gaining traction. Users seemed to love this app. However there was a high amount of drop-offs during the on-boarding process.

Role: Collaborated with another UX/UI Designer in a team of two.

Skills/Knowledge: UX Design iOS User Research Surveys Competitive Analysis Mockups Rapid Prototyping Reiterating Presenting Usability Testing inVision Axure


10 users went through the on-boarding process and provided feedback on their pain points. We took the data and created an affinity diagram and bar chart summarizing the results.

Competitive Analysis

PocketSuite was definitely not up to par with other mobile apps with an efficient on-boarding process.


Discussion and Proposed Solutions

After our research, we decided that our design focus needed to be creating an experience where within the first two minutes, a business owner is able to: Understand what the app does, create an account and book the client.

We decided to target the following areas:

• Add an introduction at the login screen
• Simplify the registration process
• Re-architect the flow for booking a client
• Low hanging fruit (Easy changes with big payoffs)

Introduction Screens

We added information about PocketSuite to the introduction screens.

New Setup Wizard

Registration Flow

The registration process became highly condensed as we took out all that was not necessary and placed them in a Setup Wizard. We also added an overlay to the third screen depicting where certain features could be found.

Setup Wizard

Booking Process

Booking Process

We re-architected the book-a-client process based on user feedback so that there were less steps and less confusion.

Usability Testing

We used rapid prototyping for our second usability test. You can see our prototype here: http://invis.io/XT1N3A45A

The new design was a success! Users immediately understood the purpose of PocketSuite at initial launch and had positive responses to the on-boarding process.

Final Designs

With additional feedback from users, we adjusted our prototype and created the final deliverable, which you can see here: https://pevdwn.axshare.com

Email: anita@anitaleungux.com
Phone: (650) 382-3123